beta tester
Maybe I should practice more black and white life sketching? Or looking at black and white photos? I get used to how easy tone is and then when I want that HIGH CONTRAST POP (which, when do I not),I'm just at a loss as to how solid black works. All my favorite artists make it look so easy, grr! shakes fist
Also personal life update, going on a trip for a week starting this Saturday! I haven't decided but I may use the time to bootstrap a new dynamic site so that y'all can finally see Bear Mafia (YEAHHHHHHHH GET EXCITED) and also finish off a couple design things so I don't have to worry about the deadline. Maybe! We'll see. Mostly I want to set off fireworks XD
EDIT: HAHA just realized I forgot to change the date in the corner! TROLOLO we are time travelers now.
Have a good week! <3